Dear friends, due to current situation we have small class with an individual lessons online, once a week, with homework and great results of our lovely students.
Welcome if you are interested to learn basic principles of art, drawing, painting and iconography as well
Master Class in Icon Painting (Germany March 2020)
with the internationally well-known Belarusian iconographers Ekaterina und Anton Daineko
We, the Cistercian nuns of St. Marien zu Helfta, are delighted to announce that the internationally well-known iconographers Ekaterina und Anton Daineko will be teaching two masterclasses in icon painting at our nunnery in March 2020. Ekaterina und Anton are a married couple from Minsk, Belarus, and have worked as iconographers for 20 years. They live and work in Moscow and teach icon courses in Eastern Europe, England, the United States and now for the first time also in Germany.
The icons and frescoes of Ekaterina and Anton stand out for a wonderfully fluent, dynamic and soft painting style and an exceptionally subtle and transparent use of colour and highlights, which remind one of the masterpieces of the famous medieval Russian icon painter Saint Andrej Rublev.
We warmly invite you to learn the art of icon painting with the highly professional help of Ekaterina und Anton Daineko. In a meditative atmosphere and under individual supervision, you will be taught to paint an icon of Christ or the Mother of God. During seven intensive working days, you will also learn to better understand the holy art of icon painting, its language, beauty and meaning. You are welcome to attend the divine office of the nuns.
DEAR FRIENDS ! We are happy to announce our coming icon MASTER CLASSES in the USA 2019!
Class in Pittsburgh PA, 22 -28 October 2019 + 3 days following drawing class and following 3 days drawing class where you can get an answer to all your questions 30.10-1.11.2019. For the registration and all the accommodation`s questions in Pittsburgh contact please our friend Anne Capdeville
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YOU can take 7 days icon class or 3 days ICON drawing class with all the practicing elements or both of them - 10 days
Class in Charleston SC ,icon of Guardian Angel 7 days 9-15 November 2019, and following 3 days drawing class where you can get an answer to all your questions 16-18 November 2019. Please for the registration and all the questions about accommodation in Charleston SC CONTACT our friend Dee Rhodes a
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YOU can take 7 days icon class or 3 days ICON drawing class with all the practicing elements or both of them - 10 days
or contact me , Ekaterina Daineko at
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Our class is different from everything you could see before. Very small group - individual work of 2 teachers with every of 10 students to reach the best result. We both are professional artists ( academic drawing and painting) so we will speak about all the aspects like anatomy, composition, rulls of the colors and lights, wich is absolutly the same in ICON-painting , but due to the absence of a good base people dont know how to improve their level and stay like amateur - you will learn a lot of completely new information and plus to all will take back home beautiful complete icon of st Nickolas.
It was truly a privilege to be part of the Icon Master Class taught by the Dainekos here in Charleston, S. C.
I have yet to move beyond three words to describe my experience: surreal, intense, and holy, holy, holy.
It has been not only exposure to excellent iconography training through Anton and Ekaterina, but also an immersion into orthodoxy. I hunger for more.
Anton and Ekaterina are passionate about sharing their art and generous with their one-to-one time with students.
It was a joy to observe their interaction as a couple teaching together over the ten days. Their balance of humor and seriousness created an optimal learning environment.
This was my first iconography class and the greatest and most challenging art class I have ever taken! I will post a longer review soon. Overall I am very happy with the process and outcome! I highly recommend this class for those who want to learn Iconography from two of the best iconographers of our time.
I recently took a class with Anton and Ekaterina in Vermont. I was very happy with the quality of their instructions. Especially their discussion of beards, hair, and the "grape cluster" model of highlights and shadows/contours. Because icons are stylized, it is common for some iconographers to forget some basic artistic sensitivity. The Dainekos teach how to put the sensitivity they learned in classical art training into the icon. I am looking forward to practicing these new techniques at home. Thank you!!!
Words cannot express my gratitude toward Anton and Kate for the incredible instructions and assistance given to me and fellow students during the 10 day workshop at OQ Farm in Vermont. Both of these beautiful people are Master Iconographers with a true gift of both painting and teaching. Both carry a sincere love for God and the art and their students. The knowledge I gained is priceless as was the honor and privelage of watching Anton and Kate paint - true Masters! Thank you so very much and may our Lord bless you and those who you touch with your gift!
I already defined this workshop in one line when we were sitting together last day,
"What I learned in 10 days I didn't learn in yearssssssss"
But still I want to tell u how I feel. I am so much fill with confidence and spirit making me more passionate about iconography. Normally many teachers are strict about following their ways or school , but you were saying everytime "As you feel what is good"
Anton and kate I would say, you sowed the seed like a farmer and God nurtured it and worked through me and result was the beautiful Icon of Theotokos. This freedom made me truly believe that God is working through Rijo's hand and his effort.
So thankful for these 10 days and infinite knowledge it shared.
Continue inspiring others and spread this beautiful tradition worldwide it's really worth.
I recently attended the 10-day Icon Class in Vermont on July 24 through August 3, 2016. It was an experience of a lifetime. I have attended other classes like this, but there is no comparison. The amount of information I received made my mind spin. I wrote as many notes as possible to help me remember. The instructors were very patient with us and kind. Anton's patience was amazing! Every brush stroke he demonstrated was perfect. What an artist!! Kate translated for Anton and did a great job. That had to be so difficult. We all worked very hard and were tired at the end of each day. Our icons were beautiful at the end of the workshop. This was by far a top-of-the-line workshop. Kate and Anton were excellent as instructors for being in the United States for the first time. I would recommend this class to everyone if you want to end up with a soft looking, spiritual, beautiful icon. And I now have a few more icon friends that I can depend on for any help needed.
Grace Zazzaro ( USA)
"The icon work shop with Ekaterina Daineko & Anton Daineko is a highly, advanced, educational experience, not to be taken lightly, with high quality materials, demonstrations of technique an artist longs for and can only be realized in a masters studio. While certainly not for the faint of heart, if your serious about learning the art of iconography this is the workshop for you."
The main goal of the course is to help the students to acquire, develop and improve good practical icon-painting skills. During this training under the guidance of a tutor each student is supposed to create oneicon (19.5 x 25 cm). There will also be a great opportunity for every student to observe the process of creating an icon by a skilled icon-painter and to learn gilding process. We hope that both beginners and experts will find this course useful. Schedule: Day 1 (practice). Creating the icons by the tutorsicon-painters while the students are drawing their sketches on boards at thesame time. Day 2 (practice). Students complete their drawings, coverit with shellac and varnish PF. Day 3 (theory). The tutor icon-painter is creating the second sample’ icon in front of the audience; students have the opportunity to observe each stage of work once again ( extra time), as his second icon he will paint step-by step together with students. Day 4 (theory and practice). Finishing the tutors icon.Gilding process . Day 5 (practice). Roskrysh, sankir. Day 6 (practice). Clothes, falls. Day 7-8 (practice). Disclosure of the face. Day 9 (practice). Drawing of the details. Day 10 (practice). Generalization of the image.
Work of our students from class in St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013. Half of them were true beginners.
Accommodations and meals can be included - please, contact me by email
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Закончился наш десятидневный мастер-класс в Санкт-Петербурге 15 августа 2013 года
За более, чем 15 лет работы, Антоном и Екатериной Дайнеко написаны иконы и сделаны росписи для многих храмов в Беларуси, России, Европе и Америке – Иконостас Никольского храма в подмосковном Кувекино, иконы для Кафедрального собора и храма св. Гавриила Белостоцкого в Гродно, иконостас храма монастыря La Faurie во Франции, Иконостас церкви св Марии Египетской в Greenwood в штате Индианаполис, роспись храма и иконостас Воскрешения праведного Лазаря в Минске, роспись Духовно-Образовательного центра Минской Духовной Академии, Роспись храма Архангела Михаила в Севастополе, роспись храма Вознесения в Севастополе ( Северная сторона), разрабатываются проекты росписи храмов, пишутся небольшие мерные, венчальные и именные иконы и другие иконы на заказ. С нашими работами можно ознакомится в разделе ГАЛЕРЕЯ
Мы ориентируемся на канонические образцы, освященные древней традицией, начиная с раннехристианского времени и Византии до образцов русского и белорусского церковного искусства.
Иконы и фрески пишутся по древним технологиям с использованием традиционных материалов: иконы - на липовых досках, грунтованных левкасом, натуральных минеральных пигментов ( малахит, лазурит, гематит, кироварь) на яичном желтке, золотятся сусальным золотом; фрески - по сырой штукатурке натуральными пигментами. Возможен вариант росписи силикатными красками.
Вы можете заказать у нас именную икону , семейную икону , мерную икону или венчальную пару и после обсуждения образцов мы с радостью выполним Ваш заказ.
ервой в истории церкви Иконой считается изображение лика Спасителя, появившееся на плате(убрусе), который Христос приложил к своему лицу, по просьбе царя Авгаря – Нерукотворный Образ. Первым же иконописцем предание называет св. евангелиста Луку. Таким образом, икона сопровождает христианскую церковь с самых первых дней её становления и утверждения. С самого начала своего существования, икона явилась наглядным утверждением учения Православной Церкви о Боговоплощении, так как изображение Бога оказалось возможным только по Его вочеловечении. Отход же от православного учения делал невозможной и икону – примеры тому многочисленные древние ереси, иконоборцы, протестанты, различные течения монофизитства. И только правильное понимание совершенства во Христе божественной и человеческой природы делает возможным изображение Самого Спасителя, Божией Матери и святых.